Frame Magazine

An opportunity to engage through playfulness – where the content drives the visual expression.  

Frame is TRA’s biannual magazine printed and delivered to 1000+ client side marketers featuring articles on insight, strategy, behavioural science, data, and analytics. 

Issue 11 explores the tension between freedom and constraint. Inspired by mathematics, journals, and manuals this issue is formal in tone. The articles are illustrated with fractals created with quantitative data alongside the pairing of two contrasting fonts for added tension.

Issue 10 considers time, finding the balance between timely action and what we know to be timeless. This issue is bright, loud, and energetic reflecting hope for the future with cues to classic type styles; drop caps, justified text, and centered titles.

Issue 9 considers how people, places, and organisations adapt to paradigm shifts. This issue uses soft gradients with shifting alignment of text – giving the sense of being slightly off while still remaining calm.

Issue 8 discussed tensions and challenges around growth – for this issue I designed two infographic spreads.

Designed working at TRA

Editorial Design


Bold Company


Auckland Transport